Are NFTs Art ? And Where To Find Gay A Very Gay NFT ?
This cartoon definitely looks quite queer. It is a gay cartoon named MONSTER MASH and can be found on the Global NFT Platform TWINCI
This cute squirrel too caters to gay men in partcular. Not so sure however about The House That Jack Used To Show Off... Global Heat and Heating are other topics; and all NFTs shown here are suiting anyones budget. The Prrices May Heat Up Soon However. If you love gay arts, being an early bird may well pay off since most artists in the queer world still do not have the technical skills needed to get this nasty stuff online for sale as a Non Fungible Token. Above Bangalore, India - below Istanbul, Turkey CLICK ANY OF THE HOT PICS ABOVE TO BUY THEM IMMEDIATELY ON THE BINANCE SMART CHAIN. It's really cool stuff. Just like a cold Cock Soda. So stay tuned. It is not so much about luxury goods but very exclusive items from the famous designers & artists, and upcoming Live Auction bidding with TWIN and BNB tokens. Exclusively available to Collectible token holders. Get involved now and have a chance to win the first ever Collectible NFT! Auctions of Non Fungible Tokens with their physical item as a Digital Proxy of a Real World Asset to create authenticity and exclusivity will soon be available. Only one piece available of each NFT in the entire World. Authenticity guaranteed. Compete with Twincis TWIN token holders all around the World to win Collectible Non Fungible Tokens. TWIN tokens can be held and bought through major safe wallets like Metamask and Trustwallet.