webcam fairy tales
his webcam was flashing when he went near to his computer. Was somebody remotely controlling his actions now ? Did one of his cambuddies install some hacking software to make this possible ?
Or was it a more serious attack, maybe from the secret service or the military ? He was gay but still in the closet. In some countries things like that still matter, and he had relationships with men and boys in many parts of the world...
leonidashot2 from Spain
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my name is Rafa and I want meet someone for Skype If you are Gay or Bi, you can be my friend Drop me a comment if you've got some ideas on what to do first

Sorry if you are on Skype only that it needs some effort from your side to get his Skypie. But you can look at his twittering and reach him there all over in Mexico. And in case you don' t know: BB or BBM means Blackberry or Blackberry message. Don't worry if you have another type of smartphone: with the WHATSAPP application you can send a message to a blackberry , an iPhone, an Android device for free...
How about WhatsApp from a PC or Notebook Laptop ? Would be great because you just need the telephone number (or Blackberry ID) and can send SMS messages for free (The receiver need WhatsApp of course, but it is kind of standard in the world of smartphones now...