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  Skype Rd070707 dancer/gymnast and loves meeting new people and going to new restaurants - seeing a new movie, new city. etc.  loves to travel and find ANY excuse to do so! Location: New York, New York, United States
Relationship Status:
Single 24 y/o
Looking for:
Friends, Dating or Relationship, Hookup, Training Buddies, Online Chat, Web Cam

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Add these lads dudes men boiz and guys to your ever growing gay skype list for c2c dating hookup friends

i'm serious, like a virgin! just ask me if u r interested!
 wanna play?!?!!? / mctrinh84 @ skype
Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Relationship Status: Single 27 y/o
   23 y/o
Looking for: Friends, Dating or Relationship, Hookup, Training Buddies, Online Chat, Web Cam

These camdudes want to contact you or c2c with other guys on Skype:
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 robertpalo1  39 y/o
Location: Czech Republic
Looking for: Friends, Online Chat, Web Cam

 my8kitso on skype, my8kitso AT on msn 50y/o
Location: Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Looking for: Friends, Hookup, Training Buddies, Online Chat, Web Cam

 rioriz82  30 y/o
First location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Second location: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Travel location: New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Relationship Status: Single
Looking for: Friends, Dating or Relationship, Hookup, Training Buddies, Online Chat

 nakomis22 24 y/o
Location: Davenport, Iowa, United States
Relationship Status: Single
Looking for: Friends, Dating or Relationship, Online Chat, Web Cam

 skype: fiustud  msn: 25 y/o
Location: Miami, Florida, United States

skype Fahad BJ  20 y/o
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Relationship Status: Single
Looking for: Hookup, Web Cam

oyoung122  31 y/o
First location: Cranford, New Jersey, United States
Second location: Las Cruces, New Mexico, United States
Relationship Status: Single
Looking for: Friends, Dating or Relationship, Hookup, Training Buddies, Online Chat

 alexis_schulz  19 y/o
Location: Pasadena, California, United States
Looking for: Web Cam

 The Ultimate Guide For The Everyday Guy To Building Muscle. Complete With Multiple Workout Routines, Results Graph, Recipe Guide, And All The Info Needed To Truly Understand Muscle Building. Simple Easy To Read with Serious Results.

livinginlayers AT - msn  30 y/o
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Relationship Status: Open Relationship (play together only)
Looking for: Friends, Training Buddies, Online Chat, Web Cam


vaseto_200721 y/o
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Relationship Status: Single
Looking for: Friends, Dating or Relationship, Online Chat

 27 y/o California USA

  eb925guy 54 y/o
Location: Pleasant Hill, California, United States
Looking for: Friends, Training Buddies, Online Chat

 Hotelflyguy   32 y/o
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Looking for: Friends, Hookup, Training Buddies, Online Chat, Web Cam

gapkid2009 on skype  29 y/o
Location: Orlando, Florida, United States
Looking for: Friends, Online Chat, Web Cam

interested29    35y/o
Location: London, London, United Kingdom
Relationship Status: Monogamous Relationship
Looking for: Friends, Hookup, Training Buddies, Online Chat, Web Cam

 chris.stein6   30 y/o
Location: Islington, London, United Kingdom
Second location: Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
Travel location: Manhattan, New York, United States
Looking for: Dating or Relationship, Hookup, Web Cam

bufboston on skype
  location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

skype: masonhunterrrr 23 y/o
Location: Orange, California, United States
Relationship Status: Single
Looking for: Friends, Hookup, Training Buddies, Online Chat, Web Cam

  Hey Im Allen

Im nineteen in college to become a physical therapist (Strong Career) and later a radio producer (Risk career) Ive broken alot bones so I know the med journey pretty well I recently discovered this Gym thing and I like it I like it alot I dont see why more people dont do it I found a balance between my cardio and weight training and I found the time to throw in some yoga to retain my flexibility and to remain limber for when I need to strecth bend or lift Im kinda a show off on the side though im conservative for the most part I used to be alot of things but as time went by I feel as though I finally found my place in the world I have alot plans and I know its that one step at a time thing its still early and its no longer I think I can its I know I can plus I love detail and the percision tactic though not in life in the gym it just seems to work out better that way

I workout for me and only me because I know that by getting fit and strong will give me a better outlook on life and the people Im around with this better bod I promise to live more of my life do many more things and apperciate the journey I will go to the club and dance with my shirt off I will go to the l or water park with fear or concern of whos looking at me I do this for me

I love cooking with the ultimate passion I love doing it for people even if I dont get any the reward for me is simple seeing people enjoy my food and all the joy I put into it

I cant do a marathon yet but that doesnt mean I wont in 4 - 6 months

I dont like the idea of a hook up unless (Disclaimer) I see the potential or quality for more

I cam up for people with a complete profile but mostly friends and some acquaintances though I may make the exception though that rarely will occur

If I Hot list its not just because you have a nice body or smile but if you wanna know send me a message I promise I'll respond as soon as I can

If I buddy list you its because I feel we have similar interest and I hope to hear from you :)

I'm so....... not a fem although I am fem friendly were all beautiful in our own ways so why should I knock yours

(If you have an incomplete profile I will give you that kindness and respond to your message though I like having a name with a face)(If you message me with a cell number I'd sooner text you until I build up the confidence to conversant unless we already built something up)

* Note: if you're trying to IM me and it's REALLY late, don't take it personally because I've probably fallen asleep at the keyboard.

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“Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.”

   lvhles 20 y/o
Location: Newport News, Virginia, United States
Relationship Status: Single
Looking for: Friends, Dating or Relationship, Hookup

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